Apple Unveils Top Reasons Why Your App Gets Bounced From The App Store
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"Before you develop your app, it’s important to become familiar with the technical, content, and design criteria that we use to review all apps. We’ve highlighted some of the most common issues that cause apps to get rejected to help you better prepare your apps before submitting them for review," Apple states on a new Common Apps Rejections page.
For the 7-day period ending August 28, 2014, the most common reason for an app rejection was that more information was needed. This alone accounted for 14 percent of failed submissions for that week. Another 8 percent failed to gain entry into the App Store because of bugs.
After that, failing to comply with terms in the Developer Program License Agreement and having a complex user interface were the two most popular reasons at 6 percent each. Combined with the other two reasons listed, these four mistakes accounted for more than a third of rejected apps.
If you're an app developer, the Common App Rejections page is a must-read. It lays out several specific reasons why your app might not make it into the App Store, such as having broken links or using placeholder content in. Another good resource is the App Review page.